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. 2010 Nov 8;39(5):1880–1893. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq1043

Table 1.

Overview of miRNA candidates misregulated in EBV positive relative to EBV negative counterpart DLBCL library and their known relation to cancer

microRNA species Fold change Known relation to cancer Refererence Name of journal Issue
hsa-miR-223 4.48 up miR-223, miR-26b, miR-23b, miR-23a are significantly upregulated in kidney and bladder cancers Gottardo et al. 2007 Urologic Oncology 25(5): 387–392
E2F1 and microRNA-223 comprise an autoregulatory negative feedback loop in AML Pulikkan et al. 2010 Blood 4;115(9): 1768–1778
hsa-miR-199a/b-3p 3.81up Expression is correlated with worse overall and event free survival in AML Garzon et al. 2008 Blood 111(6): 3183–3189
hsa-miR-424 3.78 up PU.1 activates the transcription of miR-424 and is involved in stimulating monocyte differentiation Rosa et al. 2007 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(50): 19849–19854
Acts pro-differentiative and modulates cell cycle regulators in AML Forrest et al. 2010 Leukemia 24(2): 460–466
hsa-miR-27b 3.56 up Expression of miR-27b contributes to in vitro angiogenesis Kuehbacher 2008 Trends in Pharmacological Science 29(1): 12–15
hsa-miR-378 3.43 up MicroRNA-378 promotes cell survival, tumor growth, and angiogenesis by targeting SuFu and Fus-1 expression Lee et al., 2007 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(51): 20350–20355
hsa-miR-26b 2.35 up Reduced expression in hepatocellular carcinoma Ji et al. 2009 New England Journal of Medicine 361(15): 1437–1447
hsa-miR-23a 2.27 up Upregulated in EBV+ lymphoblastoid cell lines Mrazek et al. 2008 Nucleic Acids Research 35(10): e73
hsa-miR-199a-5p 2.17 up
hsa-miR-23b 2.11 up MicroRNA-23b mediates urokinase and c-met downmodulation and a decreased migration of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells Salvi et al. 2009 FEBS Journal 276(11): 2966–2982
Suppressed by c-MYC Gao et al. 2009 Nature 458(72,3,9): 762–765
hsa-miR-20b 7.91 down Oncogenic potential of the miR-106-363 cluster and has implication in human T-cell leukemia Landais et al. 2007 Cancer Research 67(12): 5699–5707
hsa-miR-155 4.41 down Oncogene, upregulated in EBV+ Lymphoblastoid cell lines Mrazek et al. 2007 Nucleic Acids Research 35(10): e73
Costinean et al. 2006 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103(18): 7024–7029
hsa-miR-221 3.99 down miR-221 were more highly expressed in ABC-type than GCB-type cell lines; over-expressed in de novo DLBCLtransformed DLBCL Lawrie et al. 2007 International Journal of Cancer 121(5): 1156–1161
hsa-miR-151-3p 3.26 down
hsa-miR-222 2.49 down See miR-221
hsa-miR-29b/29c 2.37 down mir-29 regulates Mcl-1 (anti-apoptotic BCL-2 member) protein expression and apoptosis Mott et al. 2007 Oncogene 26(42): 6133–6140