Figure 1.
A. Schematic of insertion of restrained rat into the 14.1 T superconducting magnet. In most experiments, rats were raised head-first from the floor beneath the magnet (a) into the center of the magnet’s bore (b) either manually (Experiments 1 and 3) or using a variable speed motor (Experiments 2.1 and 2.3). In Experiment 2.2, rats were lowered tail-first from the top of the magnet (c) using the motor. In Experiment 3, rats were manually raised to the center of the magnet (b) and then rotated at 60 rpm around the vertical axis. B. Measured magnetic field strength along the vertical axis of the 14.1 T magnet. The lower opening of the magnet’s bore is at 0 cm. When positioned at 60 cm within the bore of the magnet (b), the head and body of the rat is exposed to a homogeneous 14.1 T magnetic field. On either side of the homogeneous field, the magnetic field drops off sharply with a peak gradient of ~50 T/m.