Sequence selectivity. (A) Aligned sequences for known
neurolysin cleavage sites. The sites listed are, top to bottom, from
the neuropeptides neurotensin, angiotensin II, bradykinin, dynorphin A
(residues 1–8), dynorphin A (residues 1–17), a second site in
dynorphin A (residues 1–17), luteninizing hormone-releasing hormone,
substance P, and a second site in substance P (8, 35). Residue types
are indicated by different colors (blue = basic, brown =
aromatic, green = aliphatic, black = proline or glycine,
red = polar), and the hydrolysis position is indicated by the
vertical line. (B) Details of the active site and nearby
disordered loop (light blue; residues 600–612). The zinc cofactor is
shown in dark blue and the catalytic water in red. Some side chains
from residues in the mobile loop and active site are shown.