Figure 4. Inter-helical interactions in ROCK-CC.
(A) In sphere representation, knobs from chain A (green) pack into holes from chain B (cyan). For clarity, only side chains are shown and knobs from chain B packing into holes from chain A are not displayed. (B) Helical wheel diagram of residues Asn-589 to Glu-665. Interhelical polar interactions are indicated by a line connecting paired residues. E613 and D620 at the d positions are colored red. R617 at the a position is colored blue. (C) Inter-Helical distance (HD) for two structures. Due to crystal packing, only residues 589 to 666 assume coiled-coil conformation for dimer A/B; for dimer C/D, residues 578 to 666 are in a coiled-coil conformation. Note that both dimers have a peak in their inter-helical distance at the E613/R617/D620 junction. (D) Average B-factors for mainchain atoms at each residue for all four chains. Since the structure was refined using TLS, the B-factor plotted represents the isotropic equivalent of the total B-factor (B_tls + B_individual).