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. 2011 Mar 11;11:34. doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-11-34

Table 1.

MRI tomographic findings and clinical details of all 37 patients.

Patient Age Sex/Hand days
after stroke
Location of infarct
Right hemispheric stroke with dysphagia (RHS +)
1 71 F/R 9 13 4 R, fronto-parietal
2 81 F/R 4 6 4 R, multiple infarctions MCA area
3 69 F/R 6 14 4 R, corona radiata, basal ganglia
4 77 F/R 7 10 3 R, thalamus, hippocampus, insula, parietal
5 77 M/R 19 6 4 R, fronto-parietal
6 62 M/L 3 3 3 R, precentral
72.8 +/- 6.9 2 male 8 +/- 5.8 8.7+/- 4.4 3.5+/-.8

Right hemispheric stroke without dysphagia (RHS -)
1 46 M/B 9 8 1 R, capsula interna
2 72 M/R 6 3 1 R, parieto-occipital
3 66 M/R 5 3 1 R, corona radiate
4 65 F/R 6 14 1 R, basal ganglia and capsula interna
5 66 M/R 5 5 1 R, postcentral
6 69 M/R 3 5 1 R, parieto-occipal, lat. temporal lobe
7 33 M/R 17 10 1 R, basal ganglia, putamen
59.6 +/- 14.4 6 male 7.3 +/- 4.6 6.9 +/- 4.1 1(*)

Left hemispheric stroke with dysphagia (LHS +)
1 70 M/R 11 13 4 L, basal ganglia
2 78 F/R 10 14 4 L, operculum, insula
3 71 M/R 26 11 3 L, precentral
4 71 F/R 14 5 4 L, temporo-parietal
5 69 M/R 6 4 2 L, gyri temporalis sup. and med.
6 48 M/R 6 2 3 L, parieto-occipall incl Insula
7 65 M/R 8 6 2 L, thalamus
8 43 F/R 7 8 2 L, temporo-parietal
63.6 +/- 13 5 male 6.8 +/- 2.5 7.9 +/- 4.4 3+/-.9

Left hemispheric stroke without dysphagia (LHS -)
1 79 M/R 8 4 1 L, parieto-occipital
2 60 M/R 4 2 1 L, Ncl. caudatus, insula, precentral
3 53 M/R 7 2 1 L, capsula interna
4 71 F/R 10 4 1 L, precentral
5 67 F/R 5 2 1 L, dorsal hippocampus
6 55 F/R 3 2 1 L, pre- and postcentral
7 57 F/R 7 7 1 L, temporo-parietal
8 51 M/R 4 6 1 L, multiple infarctions MCA area
61.6 +/- 9.8 4 male 6 +/- 2.4 3.6 +/- 2(*) 1(*)

Brainstem stroke with dysphagia (BSS +)
1 65 M/R 11 3 2 BS, cerebellum, medulla oblongata
2 69 M/R 8 4 2 BS, left cerebellum, left lat. medulla oblongata
3 65 M/R 9 8 4 BS, left pons, paramedian
4 52 M/R 6 4 3 BS, right mesencephalon
5 76 M/R 8 4 3 BS, right pons
65.4 +/- 8.7 5 male 8.4 +/- 1.8 4.6 +/- 2 2.8+/-.8

Brainstem stroke without dysphagia (BSS -)
1 39 M/R 6 4 1 BS, right pons
2 52 M/R 4 3 1 BS, right pons
3 71 M/R 6 3 1 BS, left pons, paramedian
56.8 +/- 14.2 3 male 5.4 +/- 1.2 (*) 3.3 +/- .6 1(*)

(*) significant difference from the non dysphagic group with similar stroke location