Plots showing the correlation between the positions of the
mutations and the first and second largest deviations in the mutants of
the T-4 lysozyme (a) and myoglobin (b).
All of the mutants tabulated in Appendix A are plotted.
Most of the point mutations marked on the y axis are
accompanied by mutations C54a and C97a in the case of the T-4 lysozyme
and D122n in myoglobin, as shown in Appendix A. Residue
positions showing the largest or the second-largest deviations in most
of the mutants, 60 of 62 in the T-4 lysozyme and 52 of 54 in myoglobin,
are marked on the x axis. These positions are 40, 77,
and 113 in the T-4 lysozyme and 48 and 121 in myoglobin (see
Appendix A, for details).