Fig. 3. Intra-genomic recombination frequency in H. pylori recR and recA mutant strains.
(A) Description of the experimental system. A target knockout (KO) gene (recR, recA or hp405 representing WT) on H. pylori genome was disrupted by insertion of a deletion cassette (gray bars). The deletion cassette contains the aphA gene interrupted by cat gene with two flanking identical repeat sequences (IDS, black bars, 100 bp or 350 bp long). Recombination between the two IDS sequences gives rise to a functional aphA gene conferring kanamycin resistance. (B) Recombination frequencies determined for different KO genes with IDS100 or IDS350. Recombination frequencies were determined as described in Materials and Methods. Shown data are average frequency and standard deviation of at least 5 independent determinations.