RT-PCR analysis of mRNA levels for the detection of the cagY gene using primers HPO527F and HPO527R and urease gene using primers UreBF and UreBR. M, 100-bp marker strains. Lane 1, 26695; lane 2, I-34; lane 3, S(New England Biolab). Lanes 1–6, signifies amplification cagY and urease gene of H. pylori an61; lane 4, San74; lane 5, San10; lane 6, San54. Lanes 1and 4 denote the presence of 2 complete units (390 bp each) and one incomplete unit; lanes 2, 5, and 6 denote the presence of one complete and one incomplete unit. Results under the panels A and B estimate the amount of cagY gene transcripts by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Data for cagY mRNA were normalized to data for urease. The results were analyzed with Quantity One software (Bio-Rad).