Figure 2.
Retrospective selection of temporal resolution: (a) Comparison of unaliased FOV between the golden-ratio view order and conventional bit-reversed 13-interleaf UDS sampling. (b) The enlargement of the region within the green rectangle in (a). The blue shaded region in (a,b) indicates that unaliased FOV varies in conventional bit-reversed 13-interleaf UDS when the number of TRs is less than 10. The black solid line illustrates a linear relationship between unaliased FOV and temporal resolution when UDS trajectories are designed under the constraints of the same spatial resolution and readout duration. Note that the unaliased FOV is fixed as 20 cm for a temporal window length (≥13-TR) for the conventional bit-reversed 13-interleaf UDS, but it increases with temporal window length for the golden-ratio view order.