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. 2011 Mar 9;2011:267049. doi: 10.1155/2011/267049

Table 1.

Empirical examples from the published literature of beta and R 0 measured in host populations differing in size, indicating the empirical observations and the likely mean-field scaling model.

Host-pathogen system Empirical observations Model supported Reference
Humans-scarlet fever
Found R 0 to be relatively invariant across population sizes. Frequency dependent [15]

Humans-smallpox Transmission was inverse of population size Frequency dependent [58]

House finches-mycoplasma Transmission was independent of flock sizes Frequency dependent [59]

Pigs-Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) R 0 was invariant across different population sizes Frequency dependent [21]

Harbor seals-phocine distemper virus (PDV) Density-dependent scaling did not explain differences in transmission between different-sized seal haul-out sites Frequency dependent [20]

Rana mucosa-chytridiomycosis Transmission rate increases and saturates with density of infected individuals Frequency dependent [33]

Tasmanian devil—devil facial tumor disease Maintenance of high prevalence following population decline Frequency dependent [34]

Brushtail possums-leptospira interogans Density-dependent model fit experimental infection rates Density dependent [60]

Elk-brucellosis Population density was associated with an increase in seroprevalence but could not differentiate among linear and nonlinear effects of host density. Nonlinear
density dependent

Rodents-cowpox Both models fit to incidence time series; support for both equivocal. Frequency and density dependent [22]

Rodents-cowpox Transmission term lies between density- and frequency-dependent and varies seasonally. Model is intermediate [11]

Indian meal moth-granulosis virus A decline in transmission with increasing density of infectious cadavers Neither [26]

Possum-tuberculosis Transmission did not fit frequency- or density-dependent models Neither [62]

Tiger salamander-Abystomatigrinum virus Transmission was best modeled by a power or negative binomial function, that is, nonlinear density dependence. Neither [63]

Badgers-Mycobacterium bovis Negative relationship between host abundance and infection prevalence Neither [64]