Fig. 3.
Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences of L. vannamei and M. marginatus NPF-containing prepro-hormones. Litva-PP-NPF I, L. vannamei prepro-NPF I; Litva-PP-NPF II, L. vannamei prepro-prepro-NPF II; Melma-PP-NPF I, M. marginatus prepro-NPF I; Melma-PP-NPF II, M. marginatus prepro-prepro-NPF II. Dashes in the sequences indicate gaps, a star indicates amino acids that are identical in all sequences, a colon indicates amino acids that are highly conserved, and a single dot indicates amino acids that are conserved. In each protein, the predicted signal peptide is shown in gray, with a predicted prohormone convertase cleavage site shown in black. The isoform of NPF is shown in red, with a precursor-related peptide shown in blue.