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. 2011 Mar 23;6(3):e17973. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017973

Table 1. PdPR5-1 promoter analysis using PLACE website.

Site Name Position Strand Sequence Function
BIHD1-OS -187, -463 + TGTCA BELL homeodomain transcription factor involved in disease resistance responses
Box Lcore DCPAL -264 ACCWWCC MYB; R2R3 type; PAL: Elicitor; UV-B; Dilution;
CCA1ATLHCB1 -141 + AAMAATCT myb-related transcription factor
CPBCSPOR -638 TATTAG Critical for Cytokinin-enhanced Protein Binding in vitro
DOF-CoreZM -831, -440, -267, -85, -77, -46, -896, -419, -368, - 364 + AAAG Dof proteins binding site
DPBF-CoreDCDC3 -621, -121 + ACACNNG bZIP transcription factors, DPBF-1 and 2
EECCRCAH1 -432, -226 + GANTTNC Binding site of Myb transcription factor LCR1
MYB-1AT -725 WAACCA MYB recognition site found in the promoters of the dehydration-responsive gene rd22
MYB2-CONSENSUSAT -112 YAACKG MYB recognition site found in the promoters of the dehydration-responsive gene rd22
MYB-CORE -112 + CNGTTR water stress in Arabidopsis A petunia MYB protein (MYB.Ph3)
MYB-PZM -264 CCWACC Core of consensus maize P (myb homolog) binding site;
MYC-ATERD1 -842 CATGTG MYC recognition sequence necessary for expression of erd1
MYC-AtRD22 -842 + CACATG Binding site for MYC (rd22BP1) in Arabidopsis dehydration-resposive gene
MYC-CONSENSUSAT -842, -609, -553, -213, -112, -842, -609, -553, -213, -112 + CANNTG MYC recognition site
PYRIMIDINE Box OS RAMY1A -832, -268 CCTTTT Gibberellin-respons cis-element of GARE
RAV1-AAT -780, -762, -572, -319, -216 + CAACA RAV1 and AP2-like proteins binding sequence
T/GBOXATPIN2 -389 + AACGTG "T/G-box" Involved in jasmonate (JA)
TAAAG-STKST1 -47 + TAAAG StDof1 protein site controlling guard cell-specific gene expression
TCA1-MOTIF -547 TCATCTTCTT salicylic acid-inducible expression of many genes
WBox-ATNPR1 -464 + TTGAC salicylic acid (SA)-induced WRKY DNA binding
Wbox-HVISO1 -559, -845, -738, -560 + TGACT WRKY binding site involved in sugar signaling in barley
Wbox-NTERF3 -559, -845, -738 + TGACY W box
WRKY71-OS -559, -463, -844, -737, -186 + TGAC TGAC-containing W box elements