Figure 7 A–I A: Original magnification: H&E, 100×.
Section of a VX2 liver tumor treated with AEH mediated by
ATONs (A) at the periphery, which was surrounded by NHP (H). A necrotic
central core (N) is surrounded by an area of debris, inflammatory
reaction, and fibrosis. B: Original magnification: H&E, 100×.
Section through NHP 7 days after arterially embolized ATONs. The liver
architecture is preserved. C: For each H&E histological image, both
an outer tumor border (red line) and inner regions of necrosis (green
line) were manually circumscribed to permit reference-standard
histopathology-based necrosis-rate measurements. Original magnification:
H&E, 25×. D: Original magnification: H&E, 100×.
Microscopic image in Subject 4 from Group 2 treated with ATON
embolization, showing ATONs deposited within the vascular system. Three
days after embolization, an area of necrosis together with inflammatory
cell infiltration and extensive fibrosis surrounding the necrotic area
were evident. The area of necrosis was not as extensive as in Group 1.
E: Original magnification: H&E, 100×. Pathological specimen
from a rabbit in the hyperthermia group shows massive necrosis of the
tumor and aggregates of ATONs that have embolized within the vascular
system of the tumor. The VX2-implanted region in the liver
has been replaced by scar tissue. Histological changes include
hemorrhage, chronic inflammation, and necrosis. No viable tumor cells
are evident in either the rim or center of the tumor. F: Original
magnification: H&E, 200×. ATON aggregates confined within a
blood vessel, surrounded by necrotic tumor cells 14 days after ATON
arterial embolization. The tumor cells in the treated animal appear
shrunken, and their nuclei are pyknotic. G: Original magnification:
H&E, 100×. H&E-stained micrograph of a lipiodol-treated
tumor at day 7 showing the presence of damaged tumor cells; note the
intermixed areas of clearly viable tumor (V), indicating potential
spread of the tumor beyond its circumscribed boundary. H: Original
magnification: H&E, 100×. H&E-stained section of tumor
from a control rabbit (Group 4) shows areas of viable tumor (V). I:
Original magnification: H&E, 200×. Macrophages associated with
ATON aggregates (black arrow) in the spleen 14 days after ATON arterial