(A) MIS in serum is influenced by polymer implant size.
Polymer squares were seeded with MIS-producing cells 3 days before
implantation. After 21 days, marked differences in mean MIS serum
(n = 4 per polymer size) were seen in the animals
implanted with polymers of varying sizes. Then, 0.5 cm2
grafts were used for further study. (B) Increasing serum
MIS was detected on days 7, 14, 21, and 28 in SCID mice after the
CHO-B9 seeded polymer was implanted. This composite figure shows the
mean +/− the SEM for 40 animals. (C) The
accumulation of MIS in the serum of polymer-bearing mice is reversible.
Two weeks after implantation, serum MIS was approached 1200
ng/ml. Upon polymer removal, MIS falls to undetectable levels;
thus there is no migration of cells from the implantation site. This
figure is representative of six experiments.