Fig. 1. The pulmonary hemodynamics in the Control and SB216763 groups with and without TNF.
Figure 1 is the mean data of Ppa, Ra, Rv, Ra/Rv Ppc, extravascular albumin (EVA) and W/D in the Control (N=19), TNF-0.5 h (N=9), TNF-4.0 h (N=9), TNF-24 h (N=5), SB216763 (N=12), SB216763+TNF-0.5 h (N=7), SB216763+TNF-4.0 h (N=7) and SB216763+TNF-24 h (N=5) groups. The Ppc is assessed with the double occlusion technique. The EVA is the extravascular FITC-albumin measured in lung homogenate. All measurements are taken following a baseline steady state.
*= different (P< 0.05) from the Control using the ANOVA with Holm-Sidak post-hoc multiple comparison test.
#= different (P< 0.05) from the TNF group using the ANOVA with Holm-Sidak post-hoc multiple comparison test.