Fig. 6. SB216763 and TDZD-8 reduce GSK3β activation in the TNF-24 h groups.
Lung lysate is assessed for phospho-GSK3α-Ser21, GSK3α, phospho-GSK3β-Ser9 and GSK3β in the Control (N=14), TNF-24.0 h (N=6), SB216763 (SB)+TNF-24 h (N=6) and TDZD-8 (TDZD)+TNF-24 h (N=4) groups. A representative Western blot is shown for the Control, TNF-24.0 h groups. The data is expressed as GSK3α/β activation (Relative Density Units [RDU] ratio) derived from GSK3α/phospho-GSK3α-Ser 21 and GSK3β/phospho-GSK3β-Ser 9.
*= different (P< 0.05) from the Control group using the ANOVA with Holm-Sidak post-hoc multiple comparison test.