Figure 4.—
Copy numbers of types Y-b and +Y-a in B. mori strains. (A and B) The copy number of each CBP sequence in diverse B. mori strains was calculated by quantitative PCR (mean, SD; n = 4 for primer-145 and -146 and primer-1 and -40; n = 3 for primer-149 and -152 and primer-151 and -154). The primers used were the same as those used to generate the data in Figure 3C and Figure S2B. Strains for which no bands for Y-b and +Y-a were detected in Figure 3C were also confirmed by quantitative PCR to have a value of zero. (C) Genotyping of the +Y-a sequence by genomic PCR in several individuals from strain 925. The 925 individuals in which bands corresponding to +Y-a were not detected were found to be zero by quantitative PCR.