Table 2. Descriptive statistics and significant pairwise contrasts for working memory measures by eighth-grade diagnosis.
Measure | NLa | LCb | SLIc | NLId |
M (SD) | M (SD) | M (SD) | M (SD) | |
CLPT | 31.37 (5.19)c,d | 30.18 (4.84)c,d | 25.15 (5.15)a,b | 24.30 (4.99)a,b |
GJLSPT | 23.83 (5.01)b,c,d | 22.05 (4.89)a,c,d | 17.58 (4.70)a,b | 16.84 (5.01)a,b |
NRT | 90.96 (6.65)c,d | 89.69 (7.09)c,d | 84.79 (9.49)a,b | 83.21 (8.33)a,b |
SWMT | 67.51 (8.56)b,c,d | 61.43 (10.78)a,d | 58.75 (9.91)a,d | 52.01 (12.45)a,b,c |
AWM | 106.58 (11.78)b,c,d | 101.11 (12.46)a,c,d | 91.86 (13.61)a,b | 88.33 (11.35)a,b |
Note. CLPT = competing language processing task; GJLSPT = grammatical judgment listening span task; NRT = nonword repetition task; SWMT = spatial working memory task; AWM = Auditory Working Memory subtest of the Woodcock-Johnson–3. Subscripts indicate significant pairwise differences (p < .01) between the group within that column and the other groups indicated.