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. 2011 Jan 25;286(13):10930–10938. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.216127


Properties of OleA compared with homologous proteins in the thiolase superfamily

Protein (organism)a Accession number Sequence identityb Calculated Mr Calculated pI Cellular function Claisen mechanism Sequence signaturec
OleA (X. campestris) NP_635607 100 36,629 5.6 Alkene biosynthesis Proposed NACLAFING
OleA (M. luteus) (11) YP_002957382.1 38 36,653 4.8 Alkene biosynthesis Proposed decarboxylative NACLGFVNG
Thiolase (Zoogloea ramigera) (23) AAA27706.1 19 40,416 5.9 PHB biosynthesis Non-decarboxylative QLCGSGLRA
HMG-CoA synthase (Homo sapiens) (26) 1XPL_A 16 43,204 5.0 Mevalonate pathway Non-decarboxylative EACYAATPA
FabH (E. coli) (25) 1EBL_A 24 33,523 5.1 Fatty acid biosynthesis Decarboxylative AACAGFTYA
Mycobacterium Pks13d (24) CAA17864 19 44,122 5.2 Mycolic acid biosynthesis Decarboxylative TACSSSLVA

a Numbers in this column represent references from which the data in the table were obtained.

b Via Needleman-Wunch and BLAST algorithms and comparison with OleA from X. campestris.

c Amino acid sequence surrounding the active site cysteine conserved in thiolase superfamily proteins.

d Alignment to keto-acyl synthase domain only, as defined by NCBI.