Fig. 1.
Serial changes (means ± SE) from baseline for control hearts in heart rate [HR; in beats/min (bpm); A], coronary flow (in ml/min; B), left ventricular (LV) developed pressure (LVDP; in mmHg; C), rate-pressure product [RPP; in mmHg·beats·min−1 (mmHg·bpm); D], LV dP/dtmax (in mmHg/s; E), and LV dP/dtmin (in mmHg/s; F) from experiments using either nonrecirculating or recirculating perfusion systems. The baseline data that these changes were calculated from are shown in Table 2. The nonrecirculating system was used in the experiment testing the dose responses of edema toxin (ETx), whereas the recirculating system was used for the two experiments testing the inhibition of ETx with either protective antigen (PA)-directed mAb (PA mAb) or adefovir. These controls include hearts perfused with either diluent alone, PA alone, PA mAb without toxin, or adefovir without toxin (see materials and methods and Table 1).