Figure 6.
15N–13C δp0 PAIN-CP polarization transfer at ωH0/2π = 750 MHz and ωr/2π = 20 kHz for three different 13C offset frequencies, 40 ppm (a) and (b); 177 ppm (c) and (d); 110 ppm for (e) and (f). The left column correspond to favorable low power PAIN-CP settings whereas the right column to higher power PAIN-CP settings. The spin system is extracted from the Crh x-ray structure (PDB ID: 1mu4) (Ref. 30) and is composed of L63N, four carbons (L63Cα, L63Cβ, L63Cγ, T62C), and the four protons mainly involved in the spin dynamics (L63H, L63Hα, L63Hβ2, L63Hγ). The 13C chemical shifts are taken from the protein assignment (Ref. 31). The L63N and the protons are irradiated on resonance. The simulation includes typical CSA tensor parameter for nitrogen (99 ppm, 0.19), carbonyls (−76 ppm, 0.9) and proton (5 ppm, 0.7).