Figure 2.
Morphological study of seminiferous epithelium from SCE adult rats. The semithin sections show: (a) Aspermatogenic Sertoli-cell-only testis from 41-day-old rat irradiated in utero; (b) the recovery of spermatogenesis 63 days after birth (arrow heads indicate spermatocytes); (c) the abdominal testis, showing the absence of spermatogenesis; and (d) controlateral scrotal testis in unilaterally cryptorchid SCE rat (210× magnification for all). (e) Northern blot analysis of FasL expression in SCE rat testes. Total RNA from unilaterally cryptorchid SCE rat testis and Sertoli-cell-only testis from irradiated in utero rats of different ages were analyzed by Northern blot analysis. Each band was normalized by ethidium bromide staining of the gel before transfer (Lower). Results are representative of three independent experiments.