Representative Sample of Adverse Events Reported in Association With Nonalcoholic Energy Drink Consumption
Source of Information | No. and of Age Patients | Previous Health Conditions | Symptoms | Reported Association With Energy Drink | Ref No. |
Journal articles/case reports | One 25-y-old woman | Mitral valve prolapse | Unknown | Drank a bottle of Race 2005 Energy Blast with guarana and ginseng on the day that she had a cardiac arrest; the autopsy and toxicological screen results were negative except for a caffeine concentration of 19 mg/L in aortic blood | 29 |
One 25-y-old man | None reported | Generalized seizures on 2 occasions over 4 mo; the seizures did not reoccur within 6 mo after abstaining from energy drinks | Reportedly drank energy drinks on an empty stomach; he reported consuming two 24-oz energy drinks 30–60 min before the seizure | 27 | |
One 31-y-old man | None reported | Rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney failure with tubular necrosis | Active football referee drank 3 cans of Red Bull before a 3000-m competition; the authors stated that the taurine could have caused the rhabdomyolysis from hyperosmolarity because the distance was relatively short compared with his normal training | 25 and 38 | |
One 43-y-old man | Paranoid-type schizophrenia and alcohol dependence in full, sustained remission | 6-wk history of worsening paranoia, delusions, and agitation resulting in hospitalization | Started drinking energy drinks 2 wk before becoming symptomatic; consumption increased to 8–10 cans per d; the cessation of caffeine reportedly improved symptoms | 114 | |
One 47-y-old man | None reported | Delusions and paranoia; the psychosis resolved within 7 wk after reducing caffeine consumption | High caffeine intake | 13 | |
2 patients | Migraine headaches | Seizures | In 1 case, the energy drink was consumed on an empty stomach; in the other case, caffeine tablets were also consumed with the energy drink | 26 | |
2 depressed patients and 1 patient with no psychiatric illness | Started on ginseng for several months | Unknown | Mania, which resolved after stopping taking ginseng | 8 | |
One young professional volleyball player | None reported | Developed orthostatic intolerance, postural tachycardia, and syncope, which resolved after energy drink consumption was stopped | 4–5 cans of Red Bull per d | 75 | |
Newspaper articles | 4 middle school students | None reported | All transported to the hospital with tachycardia, hypertension, paresthesias, diaphoresis, jitters/anxiety; hypokalemia and hyperglycemia were diagnosed in the emergency department | All 4 shared 1 can of Redline energy drink | 16 |
7 high school students | None reported | Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, nausea; 2 students were treated in a hospital | SPIKE Shooter | 34 | |
One teenaged boy | None reported | Severe stomach pain for ∼2 mo; endoscopic findings included severe inflammation, bleeding, and ulcerations in the duodenum | Several Redline energy drinks (250 mg of caffeine per 8-oz serving) per d | 32 | |
Marin Institute | One 14-y-old girl | Diabetes | 2 d after drinking 1 can of SPIKE Shooter, she was hospitalized for a seizure | SPIKE Shooter | 43 |
One 18-y-old girl | None reported | Died after sharing 4 cans of Red Bull with friends and then playing basketball | Red Bull | 43 | |
Online news sources | One 14-y-old girl | Diabetes | Seizure | Reportedly drank 1 can of an energy drink before the seizure | 25 and 38 |
One 17-y-old girl | None reported | Collapsed at the finish of a track race and was rushed to the emergency department after reporting chest pain and fatigue | Regularly skipped breakfast and drank 2 or 3 cans of Red Bull | 1 | |
One 28-y-old man | None reported | The man reportedly drank energy drinks and then engaged in the strenuous physical activity of motocross; he subsequently died from a cardiac arrest, presumably from coronary vasospasm caused by the energy drinks | Unknown energy drink; unspecified but large numbers of energy drinks that contained high levels of caffeine and taurine were consumed | 28 | |
One 47-y-old man | None reported | “I thought I was having a heart attack. I thought I was going to die.” The next day he reported feeling sore and exhausted from the experience | Two 8-oz cans of VPX Redline | 119 |