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. 2011 Feb 7;127(3):e639–e646. doi: 10.1542/peds.2010-1421


Baseline Characteristics of the 16-Year-Old Cohort

Preterm Term
No. subjects at inception 505
Proportion surviving to NICU discharge, n (%) 446 (88%)
Proportion surviving to 16 y, n (%) 437 (87%)
Follow-up at 16 y (%) 337 (77%) 102
Child characteristics
    Gestational age, mean (SD) 28 (2)
    Birth weight, mean (SD) 961 (173)
    Small for gestational age, n (%) 79 (23%)
    Male gender, n (%) 178 (53%) 49 (48%)
    Multiple births, n (%) 71 (21%)
    Antenatal steroids, n (%) 113 (34%)
    Prophylactic indomethacin, n (%)a 162/329 (49%)
    Severe brain injury,bn (%) 31/334 (9%)
        Grade 3–4 intraventricular hemorrhage 11 (3%)
        Periventricular leucomalacia 17 (5%)
        Grade 2 and higher ventriculomegaly 17 (5%)
    O2 at 28 d, n (%) 155/336 (46%)
    Neurosensory impairment, n (%) 50 (15%) 0
        Cerebral palsyc 30 (9%)
        Hearing aids 8 (2%)
        Services for the blind 10 (3%)
        Seizure disorder 9 (3%)
        Ventriculoperitoneal shunt 8 (2%)
Social factors
    Maternal age at birth, mean (SD), y 28 (6) 30 (6)
    Maternal education, mean (SD), y 14 (2) 15 (3)
    Maternal education < high school, n (%) 41 (12%) 5 (5%)
    Single-parent household, n (%) 111 (33%) 25 (25%)
    Minority status of child by caregiver report (race and ethnicity), n (%) 107 (32%) 30 (29%)
Mean age at assessment, mean (SD), y 16.1 (0.3) 16.2 (0.3)
WISC-III FSIQ, mean (SD) 88 (19) 104 (16)
PPVT-R, mean (SD) 95 (24) 106 (21)

Not all children were randomly assigned to receive prophylactic indomethacin.


Numbers do not add up to 31 because some children had more than 1 injury.


Among children with cerebral palsy, 9 had spastic diplegia, 4 had spastic hemiplegia, and 17 had spastic quadriplegia.