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. 2011 Feb 7;127(3):e639–e646. doi: 10.1542/peds.2010-1421


Results of Comparisons in Memory Abilities Between Very Preterm and Term Adolescents at 16 Years

Adjusted Mean Difference (95% CI) Adjusted Mean Difference (95% CI), Controlling for PPVT-R Score
n Mean (SD) Impairment (<2 SD) n Mean (SD) Impairment (<2 SD)
California Verbal Learning Test
    Trials 1–5 total T-score 307 42.0 (12.2) 19.5% 99 50.1 (9.9) 4.0% −7.1 (−9.7–−4.5)a −5.2 (−7.5–−2.9)a
    Long Delay Free Recall z score 308 −0.7 (1.4) 10.7% 99 0.3 (0.9) 1.0% −0.8 (−1.–−0.5)a −0.6 (−0.8,−0.3)a
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test
    Immediate recall raw score 302 15.9 (9.2) 101 22.4 (8.1) −5.6 (−7.6–−3.6)a −3.9 (−5.7–−2.2)a
    Delayed recall raw score 298 15.6 (9.1) 101 22.2 (8.2) −5.7 (−7.6–−3.7)a −4.0 (−5.7–−2.3)a

Impairment was defined as a score that fell 2 SDs below the standard mean. Gender, maternal education, minority status, and single-parent household were adjusted for. Mean differences were adjusted for PPVT-R scores to take into account the effect of differential intelligence between the 2 groups.


P < .005.