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. 2011 Mar 1;104(6):1020–1026. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.26

Table 4. Overview of studies providing data on KRAS status of primary tumour and related metastasis.

Author study Year No. of pts Analysed metastatic site Method KRAS mutation in PT (%) KRAS mutation in PT, WT in M KRAS WT in PT, mutation in M Total percentage of discordance
Albanase 2004 30 Liver SSCP analysis 14 (47%) 5/14 (36%) 4/16 (25%) 9/30 (30%)
Al-Mulla 1998 26 Liver ASO/direct seq 10 (38%) 2/10 (20%) 3/16 (19%) 5/26 (19%)
    31 Lymph node ASO/direct seq 10 (32%) 1/10 (10%) 5/21 (24%) 6/31 (19%)
Artale 2008 48 Diverse, 81% liver Direct seq 11 (23%) 1/11 (9%) 2/37 (5%) 3/48 (6%)
Baldus 2010 20 Visceral metastasis Direct seq 9 (45%) 1/9 (11%) 1/11 (9%) 2/20 (10%)
    55 Lymph node Direct seq 29 (53%) 15/29 (52%) 2/26 (8%) 17/55 (31%)
Cejas 2010 93 Liver Direct seq 30 (32%) 1/30 (3%) 4/63 (6%) 5/93 (5%)
    17 Lung Direct seq 10 (59%) 1/10 (10%) 1/7 (14%) 2/17 (12%)
Etienne-Grimaldi 2008 48 Liver biopsy PCR-RFLP 16 (33%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Italiano 2009 59 Not specified Seq 23 (39%) 1/23 (4%) 2/36 (6%) 3/59 (5%)
Losi 1992 19 Local recurrence Multiplex-ASPCR 12 (63%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
    16 Metastasis, 38% liver Multiplex-ASPCR 13 (81%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Loupakis 2009 43 Liver Seq Not mentioned 0 (0%) 2/* 2/43 (5%)
Molinari 2009 37 Diverse, 74% liver Seq 16 (43%) 2/16 (13%) 1/21 (5%) 3/37 (8%)
    15 Lymph node Seq 8 (53%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Oliveira 2006 28 Lymph node Not mentioned 18 (64%) 2/18 (11%) 7/10 (70%) 9/28 (32%)
Oudejans 1991 31 Liver and lung Hybridization 14 (45%) 1/14 (7%) 1/17 (6%) 2/31 (6%)
Perrone 2008 10 Diverse, mainly liver Direct seq 2 (20%) 1/2 (50%) 1/8 (13%) 2/10 (20%)
Santini 2008 99 Diverse, 80% liver Seq 38 (38%) 3/38 (8%) 1/61 (2%) 4/99 (4%)
Garm Spindler 2009 31 Not specified qPCR 11 (35%) 2/11 (18%) 0/20 (0%) 2/31 (6%)
Suchy 1992 58 Autopsy material, not specified Dot-blot hybridization 15 (26%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Weber 2006 36 Liver Seq 14 (39%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Zauber 2003 42 Diverse, 93% lymph node, 5% liver SCCP analysis + seq 22 (52%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Overall   892 All sites All methods 345/849 (41%) 39/345 (11%) 35/504 (7%) 76/892 (9%)
    276 Liver All methods 84/233 (36%) 8/84 (10%) 11/149 (7%) 21/276 (8%)
    129 Lymph nodes All methods 65/129 (50%) 18/65 (28%) 14/64 (22%) 32/129 (25%)

Abbreviations: ASO=allele-specific oligonucleotide; ASPCR=allele-specific polymerase chain reaction; M=metastasis; pts=patients; PT=primary tumour; qPCR= quantitative PCR; RFLP=restriction fragment length polymorphism; SSCP=single strand conformational polymorphism; seq=sequencing. *Total number of cases not specified.