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. 2011 Feb 22;104(6):921–926. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.46

Table 2. Univariate survival analysis (Kaplan–Meier estimates) according to clinico-pathological factors and BMI in 1129 endometrial carcinoma patients.

Variable No. of patients (no. of deaths)a 5-year survival P (log-rank)
Age, quartiles b <0.0001
 1 (age 27–58) 282 (17) 94.5  
 2 (age 58–66) 282 (44) 84.4  
 3 (age 66–74) 283 (73) 73.8  
 4 (age 74–94) 282 (89) 63.8  
 Sum 1129    
Menopausal status <0.0001
 Pre/peri 145 (13) 93.9  
 Post 983 (87) 77.1  
 Sumc 1128    
FIGO stage <0.0001
 I 812 (79) 90.8  
 II 119 (27) 74.2  
 III 132 (68) 39.4  
 IV 65 (48) 16.3  
 Sumd 1128    
Histological subtype <0.0001
 Endometrioid 966 (146) 84.4  
 Non-endometrioid 163 (77) 46.8  
 Sum 1129    
Grade <0.0001
 1 345 (26) 92.0  
 2 454 (81) 82.6  
 3 283 (105) 56.9  
 Sume 1082    
BMI WHO 0.066f
 Underweight (<18.5) 23 (7) 63.3  
 Normal (18.5–24.9) 358 (77) 77.0  
 Overweight (25–29.9) 309 (51) 81.9  
 Obese (⩾30) 259 (47) 81.1  
 Sumg 949    
BMI quartiles 0.096f
 1 (14.7–23.1) 237 (54) 75.3  
 2 (23.1–26.3) 240 (46) 79.1  
 3 (26.3–30.5) 236 (39) 81.3  
 4 (30.5–73.0) 236 (43) 81.4  
 Sum 949    
BMI 2 groups h 0.035f
 <25 381 (84) 76.3  
 ⩾25 568 (98) 81.6  
 Sum 949    

Abbreviations: BMI=body mass index; FIGO=International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics; WHO=World Health Organization.


Number of patients varies due to missing data.


Truncated to closest integer.


Data for menopausal status missing for one patient.


Data for FIGO stage missing for one patient.


Data for grade missing for 67 patients.


P-value with linear trend test.


Data for BMI missing for 180 patients.


Endometrioid carcinomas only: 5-year survival: BMI<25=81.2%, BMI⩾25=85.6% (P=0.134).