Figure S4.
Chromothripsis Involving Several Chromosomes, Related to Figure 4
(A) PD3791a, with osteosarcoma, shows 86 rearrangements involving chromosomes 7, 9, 12 and 13, with SNP6 microarray copy number profiles in the outer ring, allelic ratios in the inner ring and somatically acquired genomic rearrangements shown as arcs in the centre.
(B) PD3799a, also from a patient with osteosarcoma, shows 28 rearrangements involving chromosome 20.
(C–H) Circos plots for (C) PD3786a, (D) PD3791a, (E) PD3799a, (F) PD3807a, (G) PD3808a and (H) PD3646a. Around the outside are ideograms of the chromosome, with the inner ring representing copy number segments. Chromosomal rearrangements are shown as arcs in the middle joining the two relevant regions of the genome for each rearrangement. Chromothripsis rearrangements are shown in blue and those not associated with chromothripsis in orange.