Figure 4A. Cluster analysis of warm sensitive neurons. The warm sensitivity of individual hypothalamic neurons was assessed electrophysiologically and the cytoplasmic contents of the cell harvested by aspiration. During the third round of aRNA amplification, the amplified single cell transcriptome was labeled with biotin for use as a probe for microarray analysis. The probes were analyzed on Illumina long oligonucleotide arrays and the resultant mRNA hybridization intensities quantified and the results were analyzed by GeneSpring (Agilent) analysis and displayed as a heatmap of normalized intensities. This analysis shows that the warm sensitive neurons do cluster together, but with some variation. Explain WS1–WS7
Figure 4B. Go - diagram on functional class distribution of the transcripts that were confirmed by NextGene sequencing of the cDNA libraries of 2 warm sensitive neurons, in separate experiments. This pie chart shows the fraction of extent cellular mRNAs that are present in GO designated functional classes. Approximately 8% of the cellular mRNA encodes receptors: ie cell membrane receptors, nuclear recptors.