(A) A pre-incubated solution of Pol λ (120 nM) and 5′-[32P]-labeled 21/41-mer (30 nM) was rapidly mixed with increasing concentrations of dGTP•Mg2+ (0.2 µM, ●; 0.5 µM, ○; 1 µM, ■; 2 µM, □; 5 µM, ▲; 10 µM, △; 25 µM, ◆) for various time intervals. The solid lines are the best fits to a single-exponential equation which determined the observed rate constants, kobs. (B) The kobs values were plotted as a function of dGTP concentration. The data (●) were then fit to a hyperbolic equation, yielding a kp of 0.0353 ± 0.0008 s−1 and a Kd of 0.82 ± 0.08 µM.