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. 2010 Oct 26;258(4):686–688. doi: 10.1007/s00415-010-5788-9

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical data for antibody positive cases

Patient Antibody, titre Sex Age Illness duration at intake/assay (days) Positive psychotic symptoms Negative psychotic symptoms Cognitive deficits Time to recovery, time to relapse, (months) Total follow up (months)
1. NMDAR score 2 M 21 4 Grandiose and paranoid delusions, delusions of control Anergia, poor motivation Verbal fluency 6, n/a 36
2. NMDAR score 1 M 28 730 Auditory verbal hallucinations. Paranoid delusions, delusions of control No No Chronic 36
3. VGKC 1435 pM F 22 14 Paranoid delusions, thought disorder Poor self care and motivation, anergia Working memory 6, 12 12
4. NMDAR score 1.5 M 19 88 Auditory verbal hallucinations, thought disorder, paranoid grandiose delusions Poor motivation, social withdrawal, incongruent affect Recall and verbal fluency 5 (partial), n/a 7
Antibody negative Cameo cases n = 43 n/a M:F 4:1 22 (17–35) 145 (2–270) Auditory hallucinations, paranoid grandiose delusions Social withdrawal Not known Chronic 23% 36
Relapse 58%
No relapse 19%