Characteristic of DSSR. A, Average effect of 1 s (white circles), 3 s (gray circles), and 5 s (black circles) (reproduced from Fig. 1C) depolarizating steps on mEPSC frequency. B, Average plot showing that DSSR is still observed 15 min after induction. B, Stimulation of postsynaptic cells by either somatic depolarization (depol) or action potentials suppresses sEPSC frequency similar to DSSR. Sample spikes used to trigger suppression of sEPSC frequency are shown in C. D, Postsynaptic cell loading with the dynamin inhibitory peptides p4 (black circles) and dominant-negative peptide composed of 15 amino acids (D15; gray circles) does not prevent DSSR. E, Intracellular dialysis with BAPTA (black circles) and bath application of nifedipine (white circles) prevented DSSR. F, Averaged data plot showing the effect of AM-251 on DSSR. Error bars indicate SEM. Ctrl., Control; Stim, stimulation.