Figure 3. Wild-type Itk co-immunoprecipitates with itself, Itk(BtkSH3) does not.
(a) Myc and V5 tagged full-length wild type Itk were transiently transfected into NIH 3T3 cells (lane 1). As controls, V5 tagged protein or pcDNA3 vector alone (lanes 2 & 3, respectively) were transiently transfected into NIH 3T3 cells. In all three lanes, anti-myc antibody was used to precipitate myc tagged protein from cell lysates; V5 antibody was used to detect V5 tagged Itk that co-immunoprecipitates with myc tagged Itk (top panel). The presence of V5 and myc-tagged proteins is confirmed in the center and bottom panels. (b) Same experiment as in (a) using V5-and myc-tagged full-length Itk(BtkSH3). The absence of the coIP band in lane 1 (top panel) indicates a loss of the intermolecular interactions within Itk(BtkSH3) that stabilize the self-associated form.