Figure 2.
Directed differentiation of lin−CD34+CD43+CD45+ progenitors into mature myelomonocytic cells. Left-hand side: hPSC-derived lin−CD34+CD43+CD45+ progenitors are shown as cytospin after magnetic sorting (scale bar=30µm). Right-hand images: Cultures (scale bars=300µm), cytospins (scale bars=10µm) and flow cytometric analyses show the morphologic and phenotypic characteristics of mature myelomonocytic cells. * represents intracellular staining for flow cytometry. Bellow dashed line: Osteoclast precursors were expanded without RANKL for 4–5 days (scale bars=300µm). Multi-nucleated mature osteoclasts are TRAP+ in maturation condition. Scale bars=300µm.