Figure 6. Representation of the gRNA in the Trypanosoma cruzi kDNA minicircle integrated into Gallus gallus genome.
The kDNA conserved (dark blue) and variable (light blue) fragment (nts 1 to 286) is inserted in the PI-3K serine-threonine related kinase SMG1 (Supressor Morphogenetic Genitalia) at the locus NW_ 001471454.1. A CA-rich sequence block (CArsbI) microhomology intermediates the kDNA integration into the PI-3K exon. A gRNA cognate to Tbnd7ed ( Table 2 ) is present in the kDNA variable region (dotted line), which is formed by 55 nts in antisense direction (arrow). Short arrows indicate positions of kDNA primers.