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. 2011 Mar 9;31(10):3843–3852. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4515-10.2011

Table 2.

Talairach coordinates for voxel clusters that passed threshold (p < 0.005) for the listed contrasts, averaged across trials and subjects

Region Brodmann area(s) Center of mass
Peak t score in ROI for contrast
x y z t score x y z
With no frequency covariate
    Sentences > rest L STG/MTG/TTG 21/22/41/42 −55 −11 3 9.33 −60 −9 5
     L STG/MTG/TTG 21/22 −53 −44 9 4.77 −57 −36 9
     L PCG 6 −31 0 30 3.78 −31 2 27
     L MFG 9 −25 32 25 4.03 −21 35 23
     R STG/MTG 21/22/41/42 58 −14 0 7.65 59 −6 −4
     R MFG 9 18 32 26 3.72 29 36 13
    Melodies > rest L STG/TTG/insula/PCG 13/22/40/41/42 −48 −19 9 10.62 −46 −20 7
     R STG/TTG/insula/PCG 13/22/40/41/42 49 −14 5 12.13 51 −4 2
    Overlap of sentences > rest and melodies > rest L STG/TTG 22/41 −51 −17 6
     L STG 22 −55 −38 11
     R STG/TTG 22/41 56 −16 5
With frequency covariate
    Sentences > rest L STG/MTG 22 −53 −13 5 8.7 −63 −19 4
     R STG/MTG 22 58 −15 1 16.5 60 −15 0
    Melodies > rest L insula/STG/TTG 13/22/41 −43 −15 7 9.92 −43 −3 −1
     R insula/TTG/STG 13/22/41 46 −7 6 6.8 45 −1 −4
    Overlap of sentences > rest and melodies > rest L STG/TTG 22/41 −43 −21 9
     R STG 22 49 −14 8
    Sentences > melodies L STG/MTG 22 −56 −16 0 5.7 −61 −13 1
     L STG 38/22 −52 7 −3 4.45 −52 9 −5
     L PHG 20 −36 −9 −30 3.6 −35 −11 −30
     R STG/MTG 21/22 57 −12 −2 4.88 63 −5 −2
     R caudate 19 −23 21 3.75 19 −25 23
    Melodies > sentences L insula 13 −44 −3 1 4.34 −43 −3 1
     L thalamus −11 −3 5 4.32 −7 −3 3
     L SFG 9 −21 53 29 5.05 −21 59 29
     L MFG/SFG 6 −21 16 55 4.86 −17 16 54
     R insula 13 42 −2 −4 5.88 43 −2 −6
     R IPL/PCG 40 63 −26 22 4.39 64 −25 21
    Sentences > scrambled sentences L STG 22 −53 −2 −4 23.05 −54 9 −5
     L STG/MTG 21/22 −59 −21 2 20.59 −62 −17 5
     L STG/MTG 21/22/37 −55 −47 1 12.94 −54 −48 −3
     R STG 21/22 46 −44 11 8.12 39 −44 13
     R MTG 21 56 −31 −2 8.88 56 −33 −3
     R STG/MTG 21/22 58 −2 −4 21.06 65 −1 2
     R MFG 10 34 47 −4 8.85 29 47 −7
    Overlap of sentences > scramb. sent. and sentences > melodies L STG 22/38 −53 7 −4
     L STG 22 −55 −5 0
     L STG/MTG 21/22 −57 −21 4
     L MTG 21 −57 −35 2
     R STG/MTG 21/22 53 −25 −2
     R STG 22 57 −3 2
     R caudate 19 −24 24

STG, Superior temporal gyrus; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; TTG, transverse temporal gyrus; PCG, precentral gyrus; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; PHG, parahippocampal gyrus; SFG, superior frontal gyrus; IPL, intraparietal lobule; L, left; R, right; scramb. sent., scrambled sentences.