Figure 3. MEC proliferation is largely ablated by replating.
(a) MECs were cultured on collagen I for (i) 2-d or (ii) 4-d before trypsinising and replating onto fresh collagen I coated plates, and proliferation was then assessed daily for 4-d. Note that in each of these graphs in Fig. 3, the % of proliferating cells was very low, i.e. <6%, and we did not note significant differences between the values (not shown on graph). (b) Cells replated 2-d after isolation were plated onto different ECM proteins and proliferation determined 24-h after replating. (c) Replated cells were treated with FGF, RANKL or Wnt3a in various combinations, and proliferation was determined 1-d or 2-d after replating. (d) Proliferation of replated cells originally isolated from either day 10–12 or day 16–18 pregnant mice was compared.