Figure1. Notch1 is activated in intestinal stem cells.
(A) Schematic illustration of NIP1::CreERT2 knock-in reporter mice (see text for details). N1 ECD, Notch1 extracellular domain; TM, Notch1 trans-membrane domain. (B-C) LacZ whole mount staining and EYFP expression in different intestinal segments eight months after reporter activation. Note fully labeled crypt-villus unit from both the Rosa LacZ and EYFP reporters. (D-F) Double staining of sections derived from the small intestine of NIP1::CreERT2 Rosa EYFP reporter mice for the goblet cell marker DBA (D), Paneth cell marker lysozyme (E) and enteroendocrine marker chromogranin (F). Double positive cells are highlighted with arrowheads.