Figure3. Complete conversion of crypt progenitors into post-mitotic goblet cells in Dll1-Dll4 double mutant mice.
(A) Alcian blue and (B) Ki67 antibody staining of representative sections from the small intestine of control, Dll1-Jag1vil-Cre-ERT2 and Dll1-Dll4vil-Cre-ERT2 mice. The Dll1-Jag1 double mutant mice show an increase in goblet cell numbers similar to single Dll1 mutant mice (1.88 P< .0001) while the proliferative crypt compartment of Dll1-Dll4vil-Cre-ERT2 is completely converted into post-mitotic goblet cells. Insets in panels show high magnification (400x) of the outlined crypt regions. (C) Alcian blue and Ki67 staining of colonic crypts revealed a similar phenotype. Not only the crypt but also the inter crypt epithelium is converted into goblet cells (black triangles). (D) Quantitative mRNA analysis from epithelial cells of the small intestine and colon confirmed efficient gene inactivation (P< .01).