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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: Psychol Addict Behav. 2011 Mar;25(1):127–142. doi: 10.1037/a0022350

Table 2.

Summary of longitudinal analysis of changes in verbal learning and memory, visual memory, and attention over the 10-year follow-up period based on substance use trajectory classes. Predictor values are unstandardized B coefficients (and standard errors).

Model List A: Trial 1 CVLTa Recognition Discriminability WISC/WAISb ROCFc
Short Delay Free Recall Long Delay Free Recall Arithmetic 30-minute Delayed Recall

Log Likelihood −2176.05 −2271.96 −2188.48 −3022.36 −2283.55 −373.48
Wald chi2 127.13 134.04 123.22 46.03 67.81 51.04
Model P value <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0008 <.0001 <0.0001
Time .53(.13)** . 71(.13)* .65(.12)** .55(.29) −.29(.13)* −.59(.05)
Time2 −.06(.01)** .0004(.00001)** .0004(.00001)* −.05(.03) .03(.01)
Intake Visual Reproductiond - - - - - .54(.18)**
Late Adol. Resurg. −.18(.53) −.12(.69) −.45(.68) .29(1.21) −.36(.66) −3.01(2.18)
Emerge. Adult. Resurg. −.12(.55) −.40(.71) −.72(.71) −.21(1.25) −.66(.68) −3.21(1.20)
Frequent Drinkers −.68(.55) −.71(.70) −.82(.70) .39(1.25) −.36(.68) −8.40(1.90)**
Frequent Drinkers/Drug Dep. −.85(.55) −.85(.70) −1.15(.69) 1.07(1.24) −.37(.68) −4.21(2.32)
Chronic −.62(.83) −.85(1.06) −.01(1.05) .64(1.88) −.74(1.00)
Controls −.13(.42) −.04(.54) −.24(.54) .66(.94) .86(.52) −1.57(1.49)
Late Adol. Resurg. x Time −.21(.23) −.50(.24)* −.35(.22) −.48(.52) −.03(.24) −.2.28(1.13)*
Emerge. Adult. Resurg. x Time −.54(.23)* −.56(24)* −.32(.22) .03(.53) −.04(.23) .26(.1.10)
Frequent Drinkers x Time .12(.22) .03(.23) −.16(.21) .03(.51) −.07(.23) 2.4(.88)**
Heavy Drink/Drug Dep. x Time .14(.22) −.16(.23) −.21(.20) −.62(.49) −.24(.23) 2.63(1.14)*
Chronic x Time .44(.56) −.45(.59) −1.06(.53)* −3.07(1.29)* −.20(.39) -
Controls x Time .28(.17) −.03(.18) −.03(.16) .26(.39) .22(.18) −.33(.71)
Late Adol. Resurg.x Time2 .02(.02) .03(.03) .02(.02) .02(.06) −.01(.03) -
Emerge. Adult. Resurg. x Time2 .06(.03)* .05(.03) .02(.02) −.05(.06) .01(.02) -
Frequent Drinkers x Time2 −.01(.02) −.03(.02) .01(.02) −.03(.05) .01(.02) -
Heavy Drink/Drug Dep. x Time2 −.01(.02) −.01(.02) −.03(.02) −.07(.05) .02(.02) -
Chronic x Time2 −.15(.09) −.01(.10) −.09(.09) .44(.22)* .01(.05) -
Controls x Time2 −.03(.02) −.00(.02) −.00(.02) −.03(.04) −.03(.02) -
Constant 7.75(.32)** 11.87(.41)** 12.33(.41)** 95.04(.72)** 10.6(.40)** 14.87(2.05)**
Random Effects
Participant 1.51(.10) 2.23(.13) 2.30(.13) 3.40(.23) 2.11(.12) 3.83 (.45)

Note. Abstainers/Infrequent Users were used as the reference group in these analyses.


CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test; CVLT-II administered at years 8 and 10.


WISC-R (baseline, 6 month, and 1 year follow-ups) and WAIS-R (years 2–10).


ROCF = Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure test (administered at years 8 and 10). Time2 coefficients are not present because only two time points were analyzed. The Chronic use class was not included due to a small sample size at later time points.


ROCF analysis controlled for Wechsler Memory Scale Visual Reproduction immediate and delayed recall scores at intake.



