Northern blot analysis of human skeletal muscle EF-1α, EF-1β and
-γ mRNAs. (A) Representative Northern blot of human
skeletal muscle EF 1-α, -β, and -γ expression. Twenty micrograms
of total RNA was extracted from nondiabetic, Type 1, and Type 2
diabetic muscle samples, hybridized respectively with the cDNA insert
from clone B10D6, EF 1-β, and -γ, and autoradiographed.
(B) Relative abundance of the EF-1α, -β, and -γ
mRNAs. Twenty micrograms of total RNA was extracted from three
nondiabetic, two Type 1, and six Type 2 diabetic muscle samples and
hybridized with EF-1α (B10D6), -β, and -γ cDNA probes.
Autoradiograms from several Northern blot analyses were quantified
separately by scanning densitometry, and the data were normalized to
the integrated intensities of signals obtained from the same
nondiabetic RNA sample used on all blots. The histograms represent the
mean of the normalized values ± SEM. Statistical comparisons were
made (against control values in each case) by using the unpaired
Student's t test (***,
P < 0.0001; **,
P < 0.002; *, P <