Metronidazole treatment and streptomycin treatment of mice differentially alter the microbial composition of the colon compared to that of untreated mice. (A) Total bacterial numbers determined by real-time PCR measuring Eubacteria 16S rRNA in feces of untreated (U) and streptomycin- and metronidazole-treated mice. Results are averaged from two independent experiments (n = 3 or 4 mice per group). (B) Similarity tree using Bray-Curtis metrics of bacterial 16S rRNA gene terminal restriction fragment profiles from distal colon samples. Bar graphs represent average T-RFLP profiles from each treatment group, and the bacterial families represented by terminal restriction fragment lengths (TRFs; cut with MspI) of interest are indicated. U, untreated mice; S, streptomycin-treated mice; M, metronidazole-treated mice. Results are representative of two independent experiments (n = 3 or 4 mice per group). (C) Real-time PCR quantification of select bacterial populations using group-specific primers on DNA extracted from distal colon samples. The abundance of target groups was normalized to the total bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies in each sample. Results are averaged from two independent experiments (n = 3 or 4 mice per group). ***, P < 0.0001.