Operon mapping and expression of the B. cereus F4430/73 ldhA-pfo operon. (A) Large arrows represent the ldhA and pfo ORFs. The small arrowheads flag the positions and directions of primers used in RT-PCR. Lengths of expected PCR products are also shown for every primer pair. (B) RT-PCR analyses for detecting ldhA, pfo, and the intergenic (IG) region between ldhA and pfo in strain F4430/73. M, molecular mass marker. (C) The nucleotide sequence of the promoter region of F4430/73 ldhA is shown. The transcriptional start site (+1) and the putative −10 sequence are in bold and underlined. Putative regulatory sequences are highlighted in gray, the start codon is boxed, and inverted repeat sequences are indicated by arrows.