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. 2011 Mar;49(3):802–807. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02243-10

Table 2.

Comparison of the IS6110 real-time PCR and BD MGIT TBc identification tests to culture confirmation tests

Mycobacterial species identified using biochemical methods and hsp65 PCR-RFLPa (no. of specimens) IS6110 real-time PCR (no. of specimens = 210)
BD MGIT TBc identification test (no. of specimens = 210)
Positive Negative Positive Negative
M. tuberculosis (171) 171 0 169 2
NTM (39) 0 39 0 39
    M. abscessus (19) 19 19
    M. kansasii (6) 6 6
    M. gordonae (4) 4 4
    M. intracellulare (3) 3 3
    M. arupense (1) 1 1
    M. avium (1) 1 1
    M. chelonae (1) 1 1
    M. fallax (1) 1 1
    M. fortuitum (1) 1 1
    M. holsaticum (1) 1 1
M. nonchromogenicum (1) 1 1

A total of 222 specimens were primary positive in liquid culture, 11 were culture negative on L-J medium, and 1 was contaminated.