Virus-specific antibody levels in immunized guinea pigs. (A) Endpoint reciprocal IgG titers measured by an ELISA against either purified, dextran sulfate-released HSV-2 virion or purified, truncated gD2 protein. For reference, the weeks of immunization with FI-HSV2, FI-Mock, or gD2 subunit are shown by black arrows, and the week of i.vag. HSV-2 challenge is shown by a double-headed arrow. The symbols show the group means of the log10 endpoint IgG titers as described in Materials and Methods, and the error bars depict the standard deviations (n = 10 for all groups.) Dashed lines represent the assay limit of sensitivity, and individual titers below the assay limit were assigned a value of one-half the assay limit for calculation and graphing purposes. (B) Virus neutralizing antibody titers were measured against HSV-2 that was purified from the serum-free medium of infected Vero cells. Symbols show the geometric mean titers (GMT) of the groups, and error bars represent the standard errors (SEM). The assay limit of sensitivity and treatment of below-limit values are as described for panel A.