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. 2011 Jan 31;29(8):994–1000. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2010.29.8315

Table 1.

Patient Demographics and Clinical Characteristics by Group

Demographic or Clinical Characteristic Intervention Group (n = 38)
Control Group (n = 41)
No. of Patients % No. of Patients %
Age, years
    Mean 59.2 60.9 .491
    SD 13.6 11.8
    < 60 15 39.5 13 31.7 .491
    ≥ 60 23 60.5 28 68.3
Sex .822
    Male 21 55.3 21 51.2
    Female 17 44.7 20 48.8
Marital status .758
    Married 33 86.8 34 82.9
    Unmarried 5 13.2 7 17.1
Race .361
    White non-Hispanic 32 88.9 33 80.5
    Other 4 11.1 8 19.5
Education level < .99
    < Grade 12 1 2.6 2 4.9
    ≥ Grade 12 37 97.4 39 95.1
Job status .950
    Employed outside the home 13 34.2 14 34.1
    Homemaker 1 2.6 4 9.8
    Retired 18 47.4 17 41.5
    Medical leave/unemployed/other 6 16.0 6 16.0
Ever smoker 25 65.8 27 65.9
ECOG PS score at enrollment < .99
    0 20 54.1 22 53.7
    1-2 17 45.9 19 46.3
Received preoperative chemotherapy 8 21.6 8 19.5 < .99
Disease status .262
    Local 14 37.8 21 51.2
    Metastatic 23 62.2 20 48.8
Preoperative disease stage .279
    I 7 20.6 10 28.6
    II 2 5.9 5 14.3
    III 8 23.5 3 8.6
    IV 17 50.0 17 48.6
Primary cancer diagnosis .655
    Colon/rectum 5 13.2 6 14.6
    Esophagus 1 2.6 0 0.0
    Uterus 0 0.0 1 2.4
    Kidney 2 5.3 2 4.9
    Head and neck 0 0.0 2 4.9
    Lung: small cell 0 0.0 2 4.8
    Lung: non–small cell 16 42.1 20 48.8
    Melanoma 3 7.9 2 4.9
    Sarcoma 10 26.3 6 14.6
    Other 1 2.6 0 0.0

Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; ECOG PS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status.