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. 2011 Mar 10;12:145. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-12-145

Table 3.

Parameters used to assemble the individual and composite white spruce linkage maps.

Mapping parameters Individual maps Composite map

Cross P Cross D

♀80112 ♂80109 ♀77111 ♂2388
Available markers a 600 671 521 508 1,578 b
Distorted markers c 10 12 15 19 33
Markers without segregation distortion 590 659 506 489 1545
Assigned markers 580 650 486 470 1,342
 AFLP loci 256 289 - - 470
 SSR loci 9 10 - - 12
 Gene loci
  ESTPs 22 23 20 20 33
  SNPs 293 328 466 450 827 d
  Total 315 351 486 470 860
Positioned marker loci (%) 549 (94.7) 570 (87.7) 471 (96.9) 454 (96.6) 1,301 (96.9)
 AFLP loci 239 235 - - 453
 SSR loci 8 10 - - 12
 Gene loci
  ESTPs 19 19 20 20 33
  SNPs 283 e 306 f 451 434 803 g
  Total 302 325 471 454 836
Major linkage groups (n > 10 markers) 12 (4 h) 12 (1 h) 12 12 12
Minor linkage groups (3 ≤ n ≤ 10 markers) 1 0 0 0 0
Unlinked markers 10 9 20 19 58
Map length GF, cM (Kosambi) 2,163.6 2,276.1 2,055.6 1,700.1 2,086.8
Average map density, cM (Kosambi) 3.9 4.0 4.4 3.7 1.6
Average size for major linkage groups, cM (Kosambi) 143.3 162.6 171.3 141.7 173.9

a For individual linkage maps, only markers segregating 1:1 or 1:1:1:1 were used.

b 256 markers were shared between the two crosses.

c Bonferroni correction: P ≤ 0.01/number of loci.

d 373 gene loci from Arborea PgLM0 SNP array, 339 from Arborea PgLM1 array, and 115 from Treenomix array.

e 215 gene loci from Arborea PgLM0 SNP array, and 68 from Treenomix array.

f 239 gene loci from Arborea PgLM0 SNP array, and 67 from Treenomix array.

g 370 gene loci from Arborea PgLM0 SNP array, 325 from Arborea PgLM1 array, and 108 from Treenomix array.

h Number of linkage groups composed of 2 subgroups having more than 10 markers.