NBTA protects cultured hippocampal neurons against NMDA
receptor-mediated excitotoxic death. Trypan-blue exclusion assays of
control neurons (A) and neurons exposed to 200 μM NMDA
in the absence (B) or presence of 10 μM memantine
(C) or 10 μM NBTA (D). (Scale bars
= 3 μm.) (E) Neuronal death induced by NMDA in the
absence and presence of 10 μM MK-801, 10 μM memantine, or 10 μM
NBTA. (F) Neuronal death induced by kainate in the
absence or presence of 20 μM 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione
(CNQX), 10 μM MK-801, 10 μM memantine, or 10 μM NBTA. Data are
mean ± SEM, n = 2,000.
***, P < 0.01 for the
difference when compared with the controls (NMDA- or kainate-treated