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. 2011 Mar 16;7:11. doi: 10.1186/1746-4269-7-11

Table 11.

Fishing spots used by artisanal fisheries in the five research sites

Research site Data on fishing sites/spots Spots and number of fishers citing the spot
Bertioga, SE Brazil From Andreoli (2008) interviews (n = 24) and Alcatrazes is confirmed in our snapper sample. Alcatrazes Island (17 fishers), Montão de Trigo Island (10) Queimada Grande Island (7), and Laje de Santos Island (3), the most mentioned sites.
Copacabana, Rio, SE Brazil From our collection. Cagarras Island (most common in our sample), Laje de Santo Antonio, and Angra dos Reis.
Paraty, SE Brazil Marking of fishing spots using GPS Garmin, with the help of fishers Alcides and Marquinhos, November 2008. Cais da Praia Grande 23°09'06'' 44°41'48''
Ponta da Baleia - Ilha do Araújo 23°09'02'' 44°40'55''
Ponta da Rapada - Ilha Rapada 23°09'33'' 44°39'37''
Ilha dos Ganchos 23°10'25'' 44°38'02''
Laje do Fundo 23°07'54'' 44°39'31''
Laje Rasa 23°07'17'' 44°39'13''
Ilha dos Meros 23°10'57'' 44°34'26''
Laje dos Meros 23°10'40'' 44°34'39''
Laje do Sapê 23°11'00'' 44°34'35''
Laje dos Ganchos 23°10'12'' 44°37'12''
Porto Sauípe, Entre Rios, Bahia, NE Brazil From an interview with the fisher Celinho (66 y. old). All spots with 140 m deep or more (70 braças): Seladinha, Ponta da Areia, Preto, Selada Grande, Ronco da Caatinga, Sampelício, Caranha, Oco da Galha, Verde, Meio da Vagem, Caça Lobo, Mancha Grande, Amiúda, Caatinga, Verde da Caatinga, Camburú, Verde do Camburú.