Figure 1.
PCR products of 132 bp repeats, Meq, pp38 and vIL-8 gene of 18 MDV isolates from China. Lane M: DL2000 Marker; Lane 1-20: ddH20, CVI988, LS, BY, YY, MS01, MS53, MS54, MS67, NC01, NC02, TQ20, DY01, DY04, XJ01, XJ4, WS03, WS04, YA, and 5079, respectively; A. analysis of copy numbers of 132 bp repeats in 18 MDV isolates; B. Amplification of Meq gene of 18 MDV isolates; C. Amplification of pp38 gene of 18 MDV isolates; D. Amplification of vIL-8 gene of 18 MDV isolates.